Volunteer Bridge Builders Needed
Have you always wanted to build a bridge? Our Club has received Grant Funding from our OFSC District 1 to complete one bridge on the W1 trail to Quebec. We will be installing the deck and railing on the existing railway bridge at Fitzroy Harbour the week of September 3. Volunteers are needed to help during the week on Wednesday September 4 and on the weekend Saturday September 7 and Sunday September 8. Volunteers would work putting down the decking and railings.
If you can help please go to the Web Page at https://www.wcstai.com/volunteers/ and let us know when you can help. We will contact you to provide further details. Please leave your email and phone contact.
It is exciting that we may get the trail finished to the Ottawa River this year if we get enough volunteer help and funding. Two more bridges need to be decked. We are appling for Grant money to finish the bridge across the Ottawa River. Who knows, we may get across the river before Christmas. If you can help with additional trail work this fall to make this happen please let us know at https://www.wcstai.com/volunteers/
If you help, you can make our dream come true. Please donate some time to your Club. Thank you everyone.
Paul McDonald