CANCELLED – 2024 Poker Run in support of The West Carleton Food Access Center

CANCELLED - 2024 Poker Run in support of The West Carleton Food Access Center

We wish we had the snow!  We’ll try again next year!

Join the fun at the2024 WCSTA Charity Poker Run, in support of The West Carleton Food Access Center.  This event is held in partnership with Kinburn Community Association.  A valid Trail Pass is mandatory.


Top Poker Hand – Oldest Driver – Youngest Driver

A raffle prize ticket will be given for each food item donated or $5 donation to the West Carleton Food Access Centre.


Kinburn Community Centre, 3045 Kinburn Side Rd., Kinburn, ON.

There will be plenty of parking on site for trailers. At the end of the Poker Run dinner will be served. A cash bar will be available.

ENTRY FEES (per sled, includes dinner for one and one poker hand)

Before January 22nd  $45   
After January 22nd  $60 
Youth (under 12) Free
Extra Poker Hand $10
Dinner Only $20
Poker Run Only $25


9:30 a.m. Registration
10:30 a.m. Departure
5 to 5:30 p.m. Return
6 p.m. Supper (bar opens at 5 p.m.)


Payment can be made via Interac e-Transfer to recipient:  We advise using a Security Question: 2024 snowmobile fundraiser and an answer of :  pokerrun (all lower case).

Please complete the form below and  select  the “Send” button to register.

Error: Contact form not found.

Thank You to Our Funding Partners and Volunteers Official Opening of Bridge Between Ontario and Quebec

Thank You to Our Funding Partners and Volunteers  Official Opening of Bridge Between Ontario and Quebec

On February 12 WCSTA held the Ribbon Cutting for the official opening of the bridge over thew Ottawa River joining the West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association Club and OFSC trails to the Pontiac Snowmobile Drivers Association Club and FCMQ trails with a safe non-ice crossing on the longest snowmobile bridge in the world.  The rehabilitation of the former railway bridge was made possible through a grant from the Investing in Canada’s Infrastructure – Communities, Culture and Recreation Stream.  Present for the event, left to right are:

Peter Asquini – Governor, District 1, Upper Canada Snowmobile Region, OFSC

Alain Goulet – Pontiac Snowmobile Drivers Association, Pontiac District, FCMQ

Warden Jane Toller – MRC Pontiac County

Chantal Lair – Economic Development, MRC Pontiac County

Cyndy Phillips – Director, Economic Development, MRC Pontiac County

Steve Burgess – President, West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association

Paul McDonald – Director, West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association

Eli El-Chantry –  for the City of Ottawa, West Carleton-March Ward

MP Jenna Sudds, Kanata – Carleton Riding

Catherine Callary – VP Destination Development, Ottawa Tourism

George Darouze – City of Ottawa, Osgoode Ward


WCSTA would like to thank the representatives, volunteers and Club members that attended the event.  We look forward to the increased snowmobile and tourism opportunities the bridge and the joining of the OFSC and FCMQ trail systems will bring to West Carleton and Mississippi Mills and the Pontiac as well as across the Regions.

February 12, 2022 – Paul McDonald

Tourism Videos Will Highlight the Snowmobiling Opportunities and Trails in the Pontiac and West Carleton/Mississippi Mills

Tourism Videos Will Highlight the Snowmobiling Opportunities and Trails in the Pontiac and West Carleton/Mississippi Mills

On February 19, 2022 four members of WCSTA worked with MRC Pontiac and Tourisme Outaouais to take video and picture material to complete a tourism promotion of the new bridge over the Ottawa River and the snowmobiling opportunities in the Pontiac and Eastern Ontario.  The production is being put together by Valley Video , Caroline Dorothy Photography, MRC Pontiac and Tourisme Outaouais.

While taking the promotion video and still photography from 12:00 to 1:00 on Sunday, approximately 200 snowmobiles crossed the bridge in both directions.  Even though it was the free weekend in Quebec, it is obvious the benefit and attraction the bridge and new trails are to snowmobilers in Ontario and Quebec.  We thank our funding sponsors and volunteers for making this possible/

Pictured are the people involved in making the tourism video from Valley Video , Caroline Dorothy Photography, MRC Pontiac.

If you crossed the bridge at this time, watch for your participation.  We want to thank the snowmobilers that took the time to participate in the filming and pictures.

February 19, 2022 – Paul McDonald


Grand Opening of Longest Snowmobile Bridge in the World

Grand Opening of Longest Snowmobile Bridge in the World

West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association

Grand Opening of Longest Snowmobile Bridge in the World

Thanking our Funding Partners

Saturday, February 12, 2022

11:00am At the Bridge

The rehabilitation of the snowmobile bridge over the Ottawa River was funded through the “Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP)-Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure Funding Stream”.  Funding was received from a number of federal, provincial, regional and municipal government sources, Polaris Industries, as well as West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association and the Pontiac Snowmobile Drivers Association.

We will welcome our Sponsors and thank them for their support and participation in this great event.

We would also like to invite all volunteers that worked on the four additional bridges on the W1 Trail that were completed by the Club volunteers to attend. We want to thank you for your support to your Club.  Without your help this trail would not have been possible.

We will cut the ribbon to officially open the bridge.  Snowmobilers who would like to participate and show their appreciation to sponsors and volunteers are welcome.  Please do not block the bridge or trail.  We will be holding the event on the Ontario side so do not park snowmobiles near the bridge entrance.

We look forward to seeing you there.  The bridge will be closed for the event from 10:55 until 11:20 or so.

Paul McDonald – Feb 10, 2022



Trespassing on the CN Rail Right of Way from Kanata to the Ottawa River in Vydon Acres

The West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association Inc. has a lease with CN rail for the CN Right of Way from Wesley Clover Park to the Ottawa River for use as a dedicated snowmobile trail only. This right of way is private property and anyone on the property that is not a licenced snowmobiler on a snowmobile is trespassing.  We ask that the public do not access or use this property for any reason other than snowmobiling.  Ottawa Police and Bylaw Enforcement have been informed that this is private property and fines can be issued to all trespassers.

Paul McDonald. President, West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association

April 26, 2021

UPDATE: Annual General Meeting Oct 13

UPDATE: Annual General Meeting Oct 13

This is an update on the WCSTA AGM on Wednesday October 13, 2021.  Our meeting will be held in the large hall at the Kinburn Community Centre. 

This is a City of Ottawa owned facility.  They now require that people attending the AGM have been double vaccinated for Covid and have proof of the vaccinations to show at the door.  They also require that we collect the names and contact information for those that attend.  We will have a volunteer at the door to collect this information in accordance with City of Ottawa and Provincial direction.

Volunteer Needed for Secretary Position

We have not yet identified a volunteer to assume the role of Club Secretary.  The main function of the position is to participate in and maintain records for Club meetings.  Other associated thing in assisting with the running of the Club will also be involved.  We meet once a month in the evening.

If you are interested in this role and helping your Club, please contact me at

If you enjoy snowmobiling, please consider the importance of becoming involved in your Club.

Volunteers Needed to Assist in Map Advertising

Each year the Club receives a large portion of its sponsorship from the sale of advertising on our Club map.  This also provides valuable information to snowmobilers when we attract a wide range of services you can use on or off the trail.

We are looking for several volunteers that will help us with approaching our existing advertisers with this year’s sales package.  You can also assist in identifying and attracting new advertisers. The money from this initiative is what keeps your trails open and groomers running.

This function occurs mainly in October to December.  If you have an interest, please let me know. 

Want to be a Board Member?

There are several positions available on the Board of Directors.  Stand up and let your voice be heard.

Paul McDonald, President

September 24, 2021

Trails are now closed.

Trails are now closed.

West Carleton trails are now closed. Thanks to our Landowners, Volunteers and Permit Buyers.

Wow. What a fantastic season it has been!

Snowmobilers are being warned to stay off of West Carleton Snowmobile Club (WCSTA) OFSC Prescribed snowmobile trails effective immediately as the snowmobile season has come to an end. These trails are now reported as “Unavailable” (Red) on the OFSC Interactive Trail Guide, and WCSTA have stopped regular grooming operations and signs and stakes are being removed and gates and fences closed. Snowmobilers are also advised that rapidly deteriorating snow and ice conditions due to spring thaw make snowmobiling extremely hazardous on closed trails. In our area, roads and road crossings are now generally bare and the ice on all waterways is melted, melting or unstable.

The public is also reminded that an OFSC snowmobile trail on private land reported as “Unavailable” means that access to that trail is also prohibited for any other users or persons for all other seasons, without the specific prior permission of the landowner. On behalf of our club and volunteers, we want to thank all of the landowners who have generously allowed the use of their property for an OFSC snowmobile trail this winter. We also appreciate the support of the many snowmobilers who bought trail permits to help pay their share of the cost of trail operations for the past season.

A very special thanks is also extended to all of the club volunteers who donated their services to assist local clubs in providing a successful season of snowmobiling. Although the winter is over, snowmobiling has become a year round business, so many volunteers will start immediately to plan and prepare for next winter.

Planning for Next Year

WCSTA is actively looking to fill a number of roles within the West Carleton club. We are looking for people to work with the Board of Directors to assist with the delivery of our required programs and to develop Club initiatives. We are increasing our efforts to identify and coordinate our volunteers, one of our most valuable resources.

If you would like to volunteer to keep your Club strong, and our trails first rate please fill in the Volunteer Contact form on our Volunteering web page. We will put together groups of people to help repair and maintain trails this spring and summer, as well as prepare for the 2020-2021 season. In order to remain strong, your Club needs more involvement from its members. In return, we are also focusing on member engagement in a fun way and hope to have a number of activities and get togethers next season for everyone.

So, if you can help us, and this will help you, please let us know.

The Board of Directors thanks you for a fun and accident free season.  See you on the trails next winter. Remember to buy your permit in WCSTA.