Volunteers needed!

Hello fellow members of our club.
We have a chance for some of you to become active members working with us in this club, looking after some of our trails in the Almonte area.
Our club has over 250 km of trails, and we have a dedicated group of people, our trail coordinators, who look after them.
We split the trails into small pieces that are more manageable for each coordinator. The trail coordinator for a section of trail, looks after getting pickets and signage installed in the fall, and removed in the spring. They also watch for any issues that might arise in that section and work that may be needed. Should anything arise, they can reach out to the board, to other coordinators, and to volunteers at large who may be available.
While we have trail coordinators that take responsibility for a section of trail, whenever help is needed, we all pitch in, as best we can. No one is expected to “do it all themselves”.
The more people who can take on small pieces of the trail, the easier it is to maintain the whole system, and so, we are appealing to our members.
The areas where we could use some extra help with are:
- different sections of trails from Almonte in the directions of Panmure (parts of A trail to W19),
- Pakenham (parts of W23, W311),
- Blakeny (W12, W14).
We will work with new volunteers to ensure they are comfortable with handling a section of trail. This is your chance to give back to snowmobiling and make a difference with your local club.
Contact us at volunteer@wcstai.com