Ontario Snowmobile Trail Permits are available online, providing you with enhanced security, flexibility and convenience. When you purchase your permits please make sure you specify the club where you ride the most… hopefully it’s West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association!
The Trail Permit is valid only when permanently affixed to the bottom edge of the centre of the windshield, or on top and to the left of centre of the engine cowling as close as possible to the centre of the windshield, without obscuring or being obscured by the registration number required to be displayed on the vehicle.
OFSC Trail Permits are valid only in the province of Ontario and may be used to access any open or limited Prescribed Trails operated by the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs unless otherwise specified.
Congratulations to Doug Fisher for winning the 2020 Polaris 850 Patriot Indy Adventure
Thank you to all who participated in this great fundraiser, a total of $50,000 was raised to help build the W1!
Win this 2020 Polaris 850 Patriot Indy Adventure, valued at $20,700!
West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association Inc. “Longest Snowmobile Bridge in the World” Fundraiser
The prize:
2020 Polaris 850 Patriot Indy Adventure valued at $20,700 · Rare Snow Check Special · Unique Heritage Anniversary colour scheme, coloured tunnel and rails · Interactive digital gauge package with GPS · AND The new Polaris 850 Patriot Engine — available through Snow Check only
This is your chance to help complete the popular Capital Rail Trail “W1”, including the “The Longest Snowmobile Bridge in the World” – joining West Carleton to Quebec across the Ottawa River!
Sledders win either way, as all proceeds go towards completing the Capital Rail Trail (W1) joining Ontario & Quebec; including the World’s Longest Snowmobile Bridge (1600 feet) spanning the Ottawa River.
Get your ticket to win a 2020Polaris 850 Patriot Indy Adventure Snow Check Special, compliments of Polaris Canada. Complete with Snow Check only Heritage Anniversary colour scheme, coloured tunnel and rails, it has the Interactive Digital Gauge package with GPS. The new 850 engine is available through Snow Check only, so, if you haven’t already snow checked one, this may be your only chance this season to get a sled with all of these features!
Thanks to Black’s Corners Motorsport, Carleton Place, and Polaris Industries for the generous support of this exciting project. Prize to be picked up at Black’s Corners Motorsport.
The fine print:City of Ottawa Licence M820247. Must be 18 years or older to participate in the raffle
The West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association Inc. was awarded the District 1 – Club of the Year award, in large part due to our great volunteer efforts, specifically recognizing all of the work we all have done on both the OVRT and the new Capital Rail Trail. Also noted was our fundraising, including our charitable contribution to the Dunrobin Tornado rebuilding effort.
West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association will celebrate its 40th Anniversary on October 19, 2019. Help us celebrate and complete the new “Capitol Rail Trail – W1” across our Club and to Quebec. This is perhaps the largest project being undertaken in OFSC at this time. Be a part of making OUR DREAM come true this year.
Our 40th anniversary Trail Map will celebrate our success. Buy a trail sponsorship place on our map – or become a personal sponsor – for your Club. Anyone can give any amount. All money raised will go toward completing Trail W1 and the bridge to Quebec.
Gold Sponsor – $10,000
Silver Sponsor – $5,000
Bronze Sponsor – $3,000
Club Supporter – Any other amount as a donation to the Trail and Bridges
All donations to the Map Sponsorship will be Invoiced to the donor so that they can use the donation as an expense to the extent possible.
Sponsors will be featured on the Map, on the Web Site and Facebook for the year and featured at our events such as the Land Owners Dinner.
In September we will hear from OFSC as to whether they will help us complete the bridge over the Ottawa River. We will need to contribute 15% of the value if we are successful. This could be $50,000 to $60,000. We still need to complete 2 more bridges. If we use volunteers the bridges will cost over $40,000. If we use contractors it will be significantly more. Our snowmobile raffle is supporting this work. You can help us complete the rest.
Want your company name on a bridge. Buy a bridge or buy a board. Let’s make this happen. If you like to snowmobile or just want to support WCSTA, please donate today. We can complete and open the trail in 2019 with your help. Talk to businesses and friends and make this happen.
Have you always wanted to build a bridge? Our Club has received Grant Funding from our OFSC District 1 to complete one bridge on the W1 trail to Quebec. We will be installing the deck and railing on the existing railway bridge at Fitzroy Harbour the week of September 3. Volunteers are needed to help during the week on Wednesday September 4 and on the weekend Saturday September 7 and Sunday September 8. Volunteers would work putting down the decking and railings.
If you can help please go to the Web Page at https://www.wcstai.com/volunteers/
and let us know when you can help. We will contact you to provide further
details. Please leave your email and phone contact.
It is exciting that we may get the trail finished to the
Ottawa River this year if we get enough volunteer help and funding. Two more
bridges need to be decked. We are appling for Grant money to finish the bridge
across the Ottawa River. Who knows, we may get across the river before Christmas.
If you can help with additional trail work this fall to make this happen please
let us know at https://www.wcstai.com/volunteers/
If you help, you can make our dream come true. Please donate some time to your Club. Thank you everyone.
Home of the largest skating rink in the world! Home of the longest snowmobile bridge in the world!
One is here, the other soon to happen.
Help the West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association make the longest snowmobile bridge in the world a reality! At over 1600 feet long, this could very well be a world record.
A very exciting fundraiser is in the works, stay tuned for details!
At this time of the year the 20 Local Community Snowmobile Clubs of UCSR and all of our permit buyers wish to give our Thank You to our Landowners.
Over 90% of UCSR snowmobile trails are on private property and snowmobile trails exist because someone has said “yes”. We have landowners that are Dairy , Cereal Crop farming to Maple Syrup producers , Christmas Tree plantations and private wood lot owners. We even have some landowners that provide warm up shelters.
Since Ontario landowners have a valued history of sharing access to their land with responsible recreationists, private land ownership is a very good thing for Ontario snowmobilers. When snowmobile club members seek permission to establish a snowmobile trail, they’re generally dealing with landowners who are their neighbors, employers, relatives. This means that Ontario snowmobilers have a great responsibility to the landowners. These folks are trusting all of us to treat their property with respect, so what can the ordinary snowmobiler do to help clubs keep trails in place? • Stay on the trail • Leave the Stakes Intact • Leave Gates and Fences Alone • Use Only For Snowmobiles • Use Only in the Winter • Respect the Landowner
The 50,000 pound maintenance vehicle below came off the track outside Carp on March 11, 2019 due to snow pack.
Our Club has been approached several times recently about snowmobilers using the active rail lines in West Carleton, particularly in the Carp and Kinburn areas.
Specifically, people are using the railway to access services in Carp. Rail Term, the company that maintains the line, is concerned for the safety of snowmobilers, trains and their maintenance crew and equipment.
Snow can be packed on the rail bed hard enough to cause their equipment or a train to leave the track. The 50,000 pound maintenance vehicle below came off the track outside Carp on March 11, 2019 due to snow pack. This is a safety issue for Rail Term as well as the financial impact to the railway.
Trespassing on railway property is dangerous and illegal; cross only at designated locations.
Locomotives and rail cars are wider than the rails and railway bridges, tunnels and rock cuts; this allows little or no room for you and your snowmobile. Riding next to the tracks puts you in extreme danger.
Railway tips for sledders
Operation Lifesaver and its safety partners want you to be alert when riding your snowmobile near railway property and when crossing railway tracks. A snowmobile operator’s first responsibility must be safety.
Stay Safe: Keep these Lifesaving Tips in Mind
Trespassing on railway property is dangerous and illegal; cross only at designated locations.
Locomotives and rail cars are wider than the rails and railway bridges, tunnels and rock cuts; this allows little or no room for you and your snowmobile. Riding next to the tracks could put you in danger.
Stay Off! Stay Away—Stay Alive! More Safety Tips
Always expect a train on any track, in either direction, at any time!
Ride on approved trails only. Look for posted signs warning that you are approaching a railway crossing. These signs, sometimes posted by the local snowmobile club, may be in any shape, size or colour.
Always cross railway tracks at a designated and marked crossing and at an angle as close to 90 degrees as possible. Attempting to cross the tracks at a place other than a designated crossing could be deadly.
Model and teach young riders the correct way to cross railway tracks:
STOP no closer than 5 metres from the nearest rail.
LOOK both ways and LISTEN for approaching trains. Remember that where there is more than one track, trains can travel on any track, in either direction at any time! Even if a train is already passing through the crossing, another train can approach unexpectedly from either direction on other tracks.
If you see a train approaching, or if the warning signals at the railway crossing are activated, STOP and wait in a safe place, away from all tracks. Once the train has passed and the warning lights have stopped flashing, ensure you have a clear view down the tracks and look both ways again for other approaching trains.
Cross the tracks only when you are certain it is safe.
Be cautious, especially when riding in snowy or night time conditions. These conditions reduce visibility making it difficult to see obstacles, passing trains or railway crossings.
A passing train can create so much snow-dust that visibility is nil; always stop at a railway crossing to ensure you don’t ride into the side of a passing train.
Your helmet, the engine, wind and weather conditions may muffle the sound of an approaching train.
A mechanical breakdown of your snowmobile can occur at any time; don’t risk getting stopped dead on the railway tracks—Any time is train time! If your snowmobile should get stuck on a track or railway line, immediately contact the railway using the emergency number prominently posted at crossings, or call 911.
Set the Example for Safety
People die each year because they are not aware of the hazards associated with trespassing on railway property or they disregard railway crossing warning signs and signals.
Inexperienced riders, especially children, learn by example. What you DO when you are on your snowmobile may be more significant than what you SAY. Set the example for safe snowmobile riding!
Please remember: ANY TIME IS TRAIN TIME!
For additional railway safety information, please visit:
It’s that time of year again. TRAILS SIDE BBQ, sponsored by your local WC club.
Stop in Trailside this coming Sunday Feb 3, 2019 from 11 AM to 2 PM.
We will have hot dogs, hot chocolate, coffee, donuts and a “WARM FIRE”
Stop Right off the W311S trail (OVRT). Map market in the event photo where the B is on the map. Just south of the Pakenham bridge. Trailside will be marked by signs. Please SLOW down when approaching.
Stop in to share stories, have some food and drinks. Enjoy our trails …..
This is the OFSC Free Weekend! You can get your free pass for sleds that do not have a trail pass this weekend and enjoy your local trails. Just have license, insurance and plate stickers.
Brookstreet Hotel in Kanata, right at the end of the W1 trail in West Carleton is offering a 15% off their best available rate and free parking to West Carleton sledders! Maybe take advantage this weekend after the Landowner Appreciation Dinner and stay the night!
Enjoy 15% Off Our Best Available Rate & Free Parking!
Looking for a destination like no other? Experience the Brookstreet Hotel & Resort in Ottawa-West. Four Diamond luxury accommodation and service, that’s affordable for friend and family getaways. Explore below to see what more we have to offer – and find your next getaway just outside of Ottawa at the Brookstreet Hotel.
For more information, availability and rates please visit the Brookstreet Hotel website