Wait for it… wait for it….

Keep sleds parked

Another awesome dump of snow last night and today and in the distance I think I hear groomers starting to warm up for some pre-season packing. Hopefully a good cold snap will also help our waterways and swamps, which are still far from being safe. But things are looking great!

Please, everyone remember that trying to get that jump on the season before trails are open risks it for all of us. We have lost some valuable links on local trails this season and have been working hard to find suitable reroutes. One sled wandering where it shouldn’t be can result in a trail becoming a permanent dead end – and we can’t blame our landowners for trying to protect their crops, property and livelihood.

On a lighter note, West Carleton has some exciting new trails being opened this season, like the W311 – the rail bed linking us from Arnprior, through Pakenham, Almonte, Blakeney and continuing on in the BEAST as #311. Huge thanks to the families who went out and brushed and put up the signs!

It’s going to be a great year if people can please, PLEASE keep the sleds parked until they show “Available” on the Interactive Trail Guide. And if you know that person that still insists on trespassing on unopened trails – put some pressure on them – they are messing with all that money you have invested riding this year.

St. Johns Emergency First Aid Course – Dec. 3

St. Johns Emergency First Aid Course - Dec. 3

St. Johns ambulance emergency first aid course image

St John Ambulance First Aid Course

Date: Dec 3 at Kinburn Community Centre 8:30 to 4:00 pm

WCSTA will offering a first aid course on Dec 3. Any of our groomer operators that are not already trained will be taking this course, and it is also a great idea for anyone who rides – especially in remote areas. This will be a one day St Johns Emergency First Aid course, geared toward snowmobilers and groomer operators.

The course will cover Emergency Scene Management, Shock, all CPRs (adult, child, infant), automated external defibrillator (AED), Severe Bleeding, Wound Care, Burns and Medical Conditions.  There will be additional discussion and practice on other topics that may be relevant to snowmobilers.

Cost of the training is $109, and the Club will provide a complimentary pizza lunch.

If you would like to attend, please email contact@wcstai.com

There’s Still Time For Savings, Your Winter Adventure Awaits!

There’s Still Time For Savings, Your Winter Adventure Awaits!


An Update from the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs

 (Barrie, ON November 4, 2016) – Many riders took advantage of savings on their 2017 Ontario Snowmobile Trail Permit and it’s clear that snowmobilers in Ontario are getting revved up for the 2016-17 snowmobiling season. WCSTA is working hard to ensure trails are prepped for when the snow comes and by all predictions thus far, it looks like this winter will be bringing lots of cold and snow, exactly what snowmobilers everywhere have been asking for.

There is still an opportunity for savings and snowmobilers can take advantage of $50 savings on their 2017 Ontario Seasonal Snowmobile Permit and $30 savings on their 2017 Ontario Classic Snowmobile Permit for sled model years 1999 and older. The permit gives riders access to any of the available 30,000km of trail connecting communities throughout the province. There is no better way to enjoy a winter full of adventure! This special rate is only available for a limited time and prices go up at midnight EST on December 1, 2016.

This year, all permit sales will take place online. “Providing consumers with enhanced security, flexibility and convenience are just a few of the benefits of buying your permit online” says Remi Sauve, President of the OFSC. “Thank you for your support of organized snowmobiling in the province and we look forward to seeing you out on the trails this winter.”

Permit Pricing


Same Low Price, Unlimited Winter Fun!

Same Low Price, Unlimited Winter Fun!


An Update from the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs

(Barrie, ON October 20, 2016) – While there are some people who are sad to say goodbye to summer, snowmobilers in Ontario are getting revved up for the 2016-17 snowmobiling season. West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association is working hard to ensure trails are prepped for when the snow comes and by all predictions thus far, it looks like this winter will be bringing lots of cold and snow, exactly what snowmobilers everywhere have been asking for.

For the fourth year in a row, snowmobilers can take advantage of 30% savings on their 2017 Ontario Seasonal Snowmobile Permit. For the low price of $180 they can enjoy a winter full of adventure on any of the available 30,000km of trail connecting communities throughout the province. This early bird rate is only available for a limited time and prices go up at midnight EST on November 1, 2016. This year, all permit sales will take place online. “Providing consumers with enhanced security, flexibility and convenience are just a few of the benefits of buying your permit online” says Remi Sauve, President of the OFSC. “Thank you for your support of organized snowmobiling in the province and we look forward to seeing you out on the trails this winter.”

Permit Pricing

Adding Rail Line to West Carleton Trails!

rail-linesIts OFFICIAL, the West Carleton Snowmobile Club will be using two sections of the old rail line between Arnprior and Blakeney this coming sledding season! The club has been in negotiations with Lanark County and they have been finalized for a trial basis this year.

We have been working hard to make sure that all the insurance and other details were in place prior to announcing this, and now trail work can begin. Volunteers will be needed to help prepare and sign these new sections of trail (as well as existing trails).

The Beast has also been granted use of the same rail line from Carleton Place to Smiths Falls.

Details will also be available at our swap meet in Kinburn (October 15). Stay tuned for more information in the near future. Please SHARE to all SNOWMOBILERS that you know.

Your board of directors, working for you!


WCSTA AGM – Tuesday May 3, 2016

WCSTA AGM - Tuesday May 3, 2016


Please join us at the West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association Annual General Meeting – to be held on Tuesday May 3rd, 7:00pm, at the Kinburn Community Centre.

Board of directors will be nominated and elected by our members at this meeting, and we encourage all current permit holders to join us and participate in setting the course for snowmobiling in West Carleton, and representation of our club within the OFSC for next season.

Come out to see what is going on with your local club. We have a new clubhouse and will be doing many more fun and exciting things next year. Come out and join our dynamic team of fellow snowmobilers. Here is a list of some things we are doing now along with some new ideas brought forward by current volunteers and board members.

Poker run in support of the Snowsuit Fund
Landowners appreciation dinner
Trail side BBQ
Swap meet (new for 2016/17 season)
Fund raising (selling raffle tickets, trail map advertising)
Family free weekend
Day and night group rides

Immediately following the AGM the newly appointed Board will commence with the election of President, Vice President and other Officers for the 2016-2017 season.

We hope to see you there!


Important Ontario Bill 100 Info

West Carleton trails

As advised by the OFSC, the West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association has no intentions of pursuing easements.

Should any folks have concerns or questions, below is the link to the OFSC Website Statement regarding the current Land Use Agreements and Bill 100.

On a related note, as Bill 100 has now progressed to the consultation process, the OFSC is on record of supporting any revisions to the Bill which would address landowners concerns.

We continue to promote our message that the OFSC and our member organizations respect the rights of landowners and we do not have any intention of utilizing easements. The OFSC prefers to use the traditional time tested land use agreement process which has, and continues to serve landowners and clubs well.

Please refer to this link of more information on Bill 100 pertaining to Snowmobile Clubs.



Trails are now closed – thank you!

Spring thaw - Trails Closed

Trails are now closed. Thanks to our landowners and permit buyers

Snowmobilers are being warned to stay off of area OFSC Prescribed snowmobile trails effective immediately as the snowmobile season has come to an end. These trails are now reported as “Unavailable” (Red) on the OFSC Interactive Trail Guide at www.ofsc.on.ca, because area clubs have stopped regular grooming operations, and signs and stakes are being removed and gates and fences closed. Snowmobilers are also advised that rapidly deteriorating snow and ice conditions due to spring thaw make snowmobiling extremely hazardous anywhere. Roads and road crossings are now generally bare and the ice on all waterways is melted, melting or unstable, and now the only safe and sensible course of action for snowmobilers is to put away their sleds until next winter. The risks of trying that ‘one last ride’ are simply too high now that spring thaw has commenced.

The public is also reminded that an OFSC snowmobile trail on private land reported as “Unavailable” means that access to that trail is also prohibited for any other users or persons for all other seasons, without the specific prior permission of the landowner. On behalf of our clubs and volunteers, we want to thank all of the landowners who have generously allowed the use of their property for an OFSC snowmobile trail this winter. We also appreciate the support of the many snowmobilers who bought trail permits to help pay their share of the cost of trail operations for the past season.

A very special thanks is also extended to all of the club volunteers who donated their services to assist local clubs in providing a successful season of snowmobiling. Although the winter is over, snowmobiling has become a year round business, so many volunteers will start immediately to plan and prepare for next winter.

We are actively looking to fill a number of roles within the West Carleton club, as well as looking for individuals, groups or families to ‘adopt’ sections of trail and help with signing and maintenance of them. If you are interested in helping out, please let us know.

A Message from Eli El-Chantiry, Ward 5 Ottawa

Torbolton Forest

Since the December 29 snowstorm, my office has heard some concerns from residents regarding the snowmobile trails in West Carleton.

The snowmobile trails are not open for the season yet. The West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association (WCSTA) is responsible for the trails and are currently working on ensuring conditions are appropriate for safe traveling before they are officially opened for the season.

Even though there is snow on the ground the WCSTA notes that the trails are still unsafe and riding on them constitutes trespassing on landowners’ private property. Snowmobilers out beforehand are violating the law and the police can be contacted. Snowmobilers must also obtain a permit to use the trails. Please visit www.wcstai.com for permit information.

The WCSTA notes that the ground needs to be cold enough to freeze the boggy and swampy areas in the region and hard enough to support to the weight of grooming machines. There are rocks and stumps that aren’t covered and there’s no base to protect the machine from those obstacles. The WCSTA hope the trails will to be safe by the middle of January and suggest checking trail status by using their online map (http://ofsc.mapbase.ca/viewer/).

I would also like to stress to everyone that the trails are meant for everyone’s use. Pedestrians and snowmobilers alike need to be respectful of each other. Snowmobilers should slow down when passing pedestrians. Pedestrians should move off to the side of the trail to allow snowmobiles to pass by safely. As well, dogs must be leashed at all times, no matter if they are on a snowmobile trail, in the forest or in a park (unless otherwise noted). Please review the City’s Animal Care & Control By-Law NO. 2003-77. (ottawa.ca/…/respecting-animal-care-and-control-law-no-2003-…).

We have beautiful trails and breathtaking forests that are usable by everyone. Please be respectful of each other, so we can all enjoy the beauty that is West Carleton!

Thank you to the WCSTA for their ongoing hard work, and to the generous landowners who allow their property to be used during snowmobiling season.

OFSC Warns Snowmobilers To Keep Sleds Parked

Keep sleds parked

(Barrie, ON – December 17, 2015) – With early snow forecast this weekend in some parts of Ontario, winter’s on the way and so is the 2016 snowmobiling season. But it’s not time to start sledding yet and for safety’s sake, the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) cautions snowmobilers to keep their sleds parked and stay off OFSC trails for the time being.

Even going for a short snowmobile ride can be very dangerous at this time of year with the existing poor conditions. The ground, waterways and swamps are not frozen yet, nor is there enough snow base to protect yourself or your sled from terrain irregularities or other obstacles. Grooming operations have not started yet, so no OFSC trails are available to ride and all access to trails on private property remain closed. Snowmobilers are also reminded to stay off public roads and avoid trespassing on farmers’ fields.

For updates on trail status across Ontario, the OFSC recommends that snowmobilers visit the Interactive Trail Guide atwww.ofsc.on.ca

OPP/OFSC Release – OPP OFSC Joint News Release Be Prepared 21DEC15