Please join us at the West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association September club meeting – to be held on Tuesday September 6th, 7:00pm, in the board room at the Kinburn Community Centre (doors to the left of the main entrance).
Important changes are coming to snowmobiling in Ontario to ensure its sustainability. The first phase of this was the Framework for Change, which has been implemented over the last few years. The next phase, “More on the Snow (MOTS)” is being voted on at the OFSC AGM in September. Your understanding of these changes is very important to us and at our next WCSTA meeting on Tuesday, September 6, 2016 we will be discussing how we want our delegates to vote. If you can, please make a special effort to come to our meeting to learn more about MOTS.
The club is currently looking for volunteer coordinators, people to help with events, brushing, signage and other volunteer positions. Have any special skills that you might be willing to share to help make our club, our trails and our events even better? Please contact us.
Signage and pre-season trail work will also be key topics at this meeting. If you are one of the many people who adopted a section of trail last season, or if you would like to find out how you can help get our trails ready for the upcoming season we encourage you to join us. We hope to see you there!