West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association
Grand Opening of Longest Snowmobile Bridge in the World
Thanking our Funding Partners
Saturday, February 12, 2022
11:00am At the Bridge
The rehabilitation of the snowmobile bridge over the Ottawa River was funded through the “Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP)-Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure Funding Stream”. Funding was received from a number of federal, provincial, regional and municipal government sources, Polaris Industries, as well as West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association and the Pontiac Snowmobile Drivers Association.
We will welcome our Sponsors and thank them for their support and participation in this great event.
We would also like to invite all volunteers that worked on the four additional bridges on the W1 Trail that were completed by the Club volunteers to attend. We want to thank you for your support to your Club. Without your help this trail would not have been possible.
We will cut the ribbon to officially open the bridge. Snowmobilers who would like to participate and show their appreciation to sponsors and volunteers are welcome. Please do not block the bridge or trail. We will be holding the event on the Ontario side so do not park snowmobiles near the bridge entrance.
We look forward to seeing you there. The bridge will be closed for the event from 10:55 until 11:20 or so.
Paul McDonald – Feb 10, 2022